Salvator Mundi
Salvator Mundi
(Saviour of the World)
The lost masterpiece attributed to the renaissance master Leonardo Da Vinci.
Discovered in a general auction in Louisiana in 2005 and bought for $10,000 by a consortium of art dealers that included Robert Simon and Alexander Parrish.
They commissioned international renowned conservator Diane Dwyer Modestini to oversee the restoration. It was during the cleaning process that all the over paint was removed, and the original 500 year old paint was revealed. Although heavily damaged the studio quality was visible.
There were also pentimento “regrets or change of mind” the change in composition would suggest that it could be the original and not a copy.
Lee’s version has tried to capture the original quality of the under painting which he believes was lost during the restoration.
In 2017 “Salvator Mundi” authenticated as Leonardo Da Vinci was sold at Christie’s New York for a record breaking $400.